Catechetical Ministry
Evangelli Nuntiandi (Pope Paul VI, December 1975) reminds us that the church exists to Evangelise. Catechesis is an integral part of evangelisation and is essential to the growth and well-being of every parish. We are fortunate to have a skilled team of catechists here at St Augustine’s. It is through this ministry that we nurture the faith of the youth of our Parish until they become adult Catholics, living out their faith as an example to all. Besides the teaching side, help is needed in the basic running of these groups such as transportation and administration.
Primary Phase Catechesis
You do not need to be a qualified teacher to be a catechist, just a desire to share your faith with children and form them in the ways of our Lord. Catechism sessions take place at the parish and follow a curriculum that is provided by the diocese. All the necessary training and materials are supplied. Besides the teaching aspect of this group, there is also a need for volunteers to help with administration. Training is offered at a diocesan level.
Second Phase Catechesis
Much of that said about the Primary Phase applies here as well – although dealing with teenagers perhaps presents a little more of a challenge – but the rewards are certainly great. We need people who relate well to teenagers and would like to become involved with a group who are vital to ministry in the Parish. Training is offered on a diocesan level.
The Parish provides a programme called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) that is used throughout the Catholic World to initiate adults into the Catholic faith. (More details about this programme may be obtained from the Parish Office.) Formation and training will be given to those who are interested in helping with the instruction and formation of adults and who would like to participate in the work of the RCIA team.
Baptism Preparation
Parents who wish to have their children baptised are required to attend a baptism preparation programme. If you would like to be involved in adult formation, but do not have time to make a commitment every week, this ministry may be for you. The baptism programme is offered on a needs basis. Currently, this is only a few times a year.