Liturgical Ministries

Proclaimers of the Word

Proclaimers of the Word assist with the reading of Scripture at weekend Masses and occasionally at a weekday Mass or at a wedding or funeral. It is a very important ministry that requires much preparation. The one who fulfils this task has the privilege of proclaiming God’s Word to the people.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Each Sunday we require 10 Eucharist Ministers to help with Distribution of the Blessed Sacrament and the Precious Cup. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in this task. If you have been confirmed and are a regular participant in the life of the community this may be a ministry that God is calling you to. In addition, where possible, the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion on duty for the morning Mass assist with taking Communion to the house confined. Again a roster is in place to help people know when they are on duty.


The choir leads our Sunday worship and are always open to welcoming new members. Practices are currently held on Thursday evenings. If God has blessed you with the gift of a good voice then this is a wonderful opportunity for you to use your talent and special ability.


This is a very special talent. If you play a musical instrument, then you are invited to share this ability with the Parish community. While we are blessed with wonderful and talented organists at St Augustine’s, if you have a gift in this area, your assistance will be greatly welcomed. From time to time we would also like to incorporate other instruments into various activities and functions. Please specify the instrument that you are most comfortable with on your commitment form.

Flower Panel

Our Parish has always had the most beautiful and imaginative floral arrangements. If you have a talent for arranging flowers or a willingness to learn, perhaps you would like to join this talented group. Arrangements are usually done on Friday mornings.


This service involves helping to set up for Mass, prepare the Altar and arrange all that is necessary for our liturgical celebrations. It is the responsibility of the Sacristan to ensure that everything has been correctly set up and put away afterwards. All training and instructions are given. Sacristans work on a roster basis and some will also need to assist at weddings, funerals and weekday Masses.

Ministers of Hospitality

The duties involved include preparing the church for Mass, welcoming people to Mass, and standing at the entrance to the church and handing out newsletters or other documents. Ministers of Hospitality are also responsible for helping people to find seats in the church, and for keeping some order before and after Mass. They assist by taking up the collection and supervise the offertory procession. Formation is given and rosters are supplied.

Altar Servers

This is an opportunity for younger St Augustine’s members to assist with our publish worship. Boys and girls who have received their first communion are invited to become Altar Servers. Weekend duties are on a roster basis. Each group has a turn at serving. The necessary training will be provided.

Liturgy Committee

This group, working with the parish priest, plans important liturgical functions for the parish and will also be responsible for an on-going liturgical plan. If you are interested in the Church’s liturgy and her ceremonies, this could be an area of involvement for you.

Arts & Environment Group

This group pays special attention to the environment in which we worship. They ensure that the decor and fittings help create a certain mood and ambiance that is suitable for worship. Much creativity is needed in this field and this is an ideal area of dedication for those who enjoy interior decoration and/or have such skills. In addition, this group will also work with the Liturgy Group in preparing the church for special seasons, feasts or other such occasions.