Parish Groups

Small Christian Communities (SCC’s)

Small Christian Communities offer people an opportunity for people to gather together to share faith together, to learn more about the Bible and the Church, to get to know our each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and to help each other grow into the people that God intends us to be.

Christian Life Community (CLC)

The CLC draws its inspiration from the teachings of St Ignatius of Loyola and receives spiritual guidance from the Jesuits. The experience of making the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius is of paramount importance to the members of the CLC. Members are encouraged to adhere to a lifestyle which is gospel-based and simple, to serve the poor and to integrate contemplation and action. As Ignatian spirituality has an essential apostolic dimension, members of the CLC do reflect also on how to bring Gospel values in all aspects of life of the world of today.

St Vincent de Paul Society

Currently St Augustine’s does not have St Vincent de Paul Society. However, It would be good if we did! This society cares for the less privileged members of our Parish, our community and the community at large. Some of main services include: providing an on-going food supply depot for the poor and less privileged around Port Elizabeth; feeding very poor families who have no provider; remaining closely associated with the Street Children’s movement; rendering help in diverse ways including the collection and supply of old clothes for those in need. Needy families are helped in times of crisis and each winter blankets and warm clothing are supplied to the poor. Fortnightly meetings are held at the church and a close spiritual fellowship is enjoyed.

Catholic Women’s League

This group of ladies forms a vital part of any Parish and membership is open to all Catholic women. Some of the league’s objectives are: to unite Catholic women in their service for God, the Church, the Family and the country; to assist with Parish work; to consolidate Catholic action among Catholic women in defence of Catholic principles; to promote fellowship among its women; to engage in social welfare activities. The League is an international organisation that is very strong in South Africa and especially in our diocese. Currently Fr Jerry is the Diocesan Chaplain. The League meets once a month on a Saturday afternoon.